So last week there was the reprieve, and that's good. We're continuing our efforts to validate our methods in the international-norm-sense of the term, just taking a little breather over the All Saints break.
But at the Cancer Genetics Group meeting in Paris yesterday, our leader showed us the draft of the new texts coming up in parallel to all the other ones. Ready for alphabet soup?
The ABM requires that labs be accredited by the COFRAC to ISO15189 standards, ok we've been over that. Now the ABM is developing a best-practice guidelines document that we have to follow in addition to being accredited. Almost everything in there is stuff we're already required to do for the COFRAC! It goes a little more toward the clinicians prescribing tests, but otherwise it's just another thing to adhere to that we already adhere to anyway.
On top of that, as if one redundancy was not enough, the ABM is developing a guide to help the ARS inspect laboratories too!
Um, why does the ARS have to inspect labs that are already up to snuff with the rather draconian international standard?
What do they even know about inspecting labs? (thus the guide, of course) The ARS is the local body that says that hospitals in the region may exist, and you have to renew that agreement now and then. We send them an activity report every year.
Now they're going to inspect us too? Having audits and reviews is so fun, lets multiply them!
Mythic Quest
5 weeks ago