Facebook post: My garden has been elected Best in Aubière (!!!yea!!!), by the Doryphore Proliferation Society.
I got 9 likes, which is a lot for me. I'm flattered, really, and particularly enjoyed the request for photos. So here they are:
There's one!
And another one! And they are laying their nasty orange eggs everywhere, too. Soon there will be disgusting squishy bloated larvae all over the place. The bottle of stuff I bought last year doesn't seem to be doing anything against them, so so far they've been ending up looking like this, one by one:
Then on Saturday I had time to go down to the store and get a new bottle of anti-doryphore product
And soon after the bugs were looking more like this, waving their nasty little legs around in forlorn expressions of agony.
Thus far it seems to be working, and there have been no new infestations, and no sign of hatchlings. That is some powerful stuff! I think I will definitely heed the warning not to eat the treated spuds for at least two weeks. I did harvest some just before spraying, and they were delicious.
So much for a chemical-free garden, but if it's that, or no garden at all, well, I made my choice.
Mythic Quest
5 weeks ago
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