Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Oh, so it wasn't us?
I’ve mentioned in various posts that our lab bought one of those new-generation DNA sequencers (what, two years already now? And we haven’t a single paper to show for it?). There was an upgrade to what should be a doubling of Felix’s* capacity over the summer, and since then the runs we’ve done have been no better - and sometimes worse - than what we obtained before.
First, we just didn’t know how to deal with the new procedure.
Then it was determined by the technical hotline that we didn’t keep Felix clean enough. Repeating that run after a new cleaning round was just as bad as before.
Then, yes, we had a bad batch of DNA.
And again, we were still not putting in the amount of DNA we should. We should revise our quantitation protocol. We should do this, we should do that.
But we’re still having mediocre results. Not usually out-and-out disasters. But not what we’ve been promised, and not what we see coming out in the literature. We’ve been knocking our heads against the walls, trying to figure out what on earth we’re not doing right.
So this latest return from tech support is both a relief and a cause for vigorous fist-shaking.
Apparently some pump somewhere is not delivering the right amount of reagents at the right time. If it were completely broken down, we’d get no results at all. But it seems to be working badly, and this is the source of our mediocre data.
Four months we’ve been tearing our hair out.
Perhaps for four months we’ve been working miracles to get any results at all.
They can send us reagents to replace everything we’ve used.
They could send us a check to cover the salaries of the people doing the work.
But they can’t recover the damage to our reputation when we run samples for outside clients. Nor can they repair the loss of competitivity that results from not being able to publish.
I just want somebody out here right now this morning to fix it, and then I want it to work the way they say it’s going to work.
* we call the machine Felix because all our major equipment is named. The old workhorse sequencer is Bob, and the thermocyclers are Bruce & Robin, etc.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I wonder how the Keyword search function really works, though. Keywords that led people to my blog Tuesday included:
Angela winbrush
Cowboys vs giants
Four loko
Giants vs cowboys
Ivan the terrible
Last kiss lyrics taylor swift
Liz vassey
nanu blog poetry bus.
Only one of which makes any sense at all. Googling a selection of the others turns up nothing whatsoever with any link to me. “liz vassey”?? Oh, Please!
Also, I have had more different people comment on a post than there were visits to the post, supposedly. Sheesh. If you're going to keep track, keep track, Blogger!
Yet another cat photo with nothing in particular to do with the post.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Regular life
It’s pretty much the same old same old at the lab.
Just let me share some of my frustration.
At the moment I’m wrapping up writing the paper on a new technique we’d like to use for molecular genetic diagnostics. We’ve got a “new generation” sequencer, and although some people work miracles with it, what we’re trying to do is a bit different. The thing was sold with all the assurance that it can do what we want it to. Ah, I’m sure it can do what we want it to. But does it want to? not nearly as conveniently and reliably as advertised! And the software that goes with it has clearly been neglected in favor of bigger, sexier, applications.
A year and a half after starting a project that ‘should’ have yielded results in a month, we’ve developed our own software, our own protocols, worked everything out from scratch, endured just about everything possible going wrong (including never-explained crashes of the instrument itself), and we’re still not able to say the new way is better than the old way.
We can say that with just a little tweak here and a nudge there it should be great.
So you might ask (and reviewers certainly do) why don’t we do the tweak and the nudge and get it great before publishing?
That’s where reality sets in.
Science is a race to publish, because your funding depends on your publications. With a new technique like this, decent journals will only care about the first handful of labs across the finish line. We need to be in that handful, and we can see some of the other labs we’re in competition with getting farther and farther ahead.
A tweak takes three weeks, a nudge three more. If they work, which they may well not and then you’ve lost a month for nothing. Labs who wait for perfection to publish end up sitting on the bulk of their data until it’s stale and nobody wants it. It’s a pretty fine line when you know the end of the race is nearing but not exactly when it will end. Submit now and be rejected for not being complete enough, or delay and publish in a 3rd-rank journal?
The paper has already been sent out once and come back, and we did do the major experiment that was lacking in the first try. The first-rank journals have already gone on to the Next Thing. I’m crossing my fingers to get this through my colleagues and out the door for a respectable second place.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bus Meeting at 19:00
So here you are, a whole day early but I've got meetings all Monday:
The hour has come.
They're waiting
They turn in circles in front of the closed door
Beyond the door, the Place where they gather
at the appointed time.
Suddenly, one spies the woman approaching
The Boss is coming!
She's coming!
Get ready!
The jingle of the keys excites them
they leap over each other rushing into the kitchen
It's Catfoodtime.
Catch the Bus here!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
FSO Patterns
So I picked up all the blue-green merino wool in the shop, but it wasn't enough. Then my friend sent me two more balls, and that wasn't quite enough. Just a month ago I broke down and ordered some from the States, and the sweater is finally finished.

Yes, it's meant to be for somebody rather tall. The sleeve shaping, however, isn't quite what the pattern indicated. The way it's knitted, though, you can't go back and fix just the sleeve fit.
I buy so much yarn that way! No one color is enough to make a whole project (why it's being sold so cheap in the first place), so it's mix & match. I quite like the way this one fits, too. Usually these bargain odds & ends wind up in my collection bin, waiting endlessly for something else to come along.
Link to the Friday My Town Shootout here.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
No Links, please.
Not that famous yet
Yet another gratuitous cat photo.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Watercats Lament
Have they gone away to mousier fields?
Did they dip their paws in the Suir for fish
and get carried to sea by the current,
The Big One hooked by their claws?
Whatever has happened to the Watercats?
We like them so!
Bring them back!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
No, I don't like the reform. It's too weak.
The French have got a bad case of the gimmies.
The general retirement age is currently 60 (yes, my American friends, a mere 60, and even 55 if you work for the train company or many others). This is, inevitably, driving the country into debt very quickly.
The government is trying to introduce a reform that would raise this age to 62, already with many exceptions and special cases. It’s a timid reform, and not nearly enough to offset the change in demographics that means fewer and fewer young people supporting more and more retirees.
The French people want their retirement Right Now, and they want it well-paid. No Way will they accept working two horrible more years. They look forward to turning 60 and putting the shop and office behind them.
I can see that for somebody who’s 50ish and not in love with their job. Me too, I'd love to have a secure future that didn't require me to work. But I think it's reasonable for me to give up my job at 65 or 70, as long as infirmity doesn't require an earlier leave-taking. (And the reform doesn't prevent people with disability from retiring when they need to.)
It’s harder to understand the 60-and-out attitude from the high school students who are out in the streets today. Not even at work yet, and they want to hang it up. These people are being duped in two ways:
First, they don’t seem to have thought out the problem of the incredible debt their elders are burdening them with. Today, one retiree is supported by about 3 workers. Without reform this will be one-to-one within a generation. Without reform, the system will either crash and burn and there will be no retirement benefits at all for those very strikers, or the level of payout will be so low as to not support any decent kind of food, shelter & clothing.
The second argument of the high-schoolers is that the 'elderly' people in work are taking jobs that would otherwise go to young people. As if there were a fixed number of jobs in the country. As if a significant number of jobs left by a 60-year-old would indeed be filled with a kid just out of lycée.
Geezers not making space is not the problem with the job market. The big problem there lies with the rigidity of the market: the rules that make it so difficult for companies to lay off workers that they simply don’t hire them. A temporary contract can last up to 18 months, but beyond that an employee must either be let go or hired permanently (Permanent with a capital P). That means an awful lot of jobs with a revolving door policy. Grandpa is not taking your job, kid, the government itself is discouraging hiring.
But that’s a whole different reform.
The young people skipping class to parade and shout slogans should in no way be supporting the NO campaign that wants to keep the status quo. They should be out there demonstrating for a reform far tougher than the one on the table. It’s their own future that’s being mortgaged here!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Poetry Bus s'arret ici
- at home
- in the morning, (before even finishing my coffee)
- in my other language (why should English be emperor)
- in cursive (being a printing person)
Je me lève
et qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
toute une journée devant;
toute une vie.
Je regarde l'endroit
ou le soleil doit se lever
hâte de le voir
mais les nuages sont
trop fort
trop gris
trop plein d'eau
J'espère qu'il ne pleut pas
toute ma vie
juste assez
pour rendre le jardin
bien vert.
I get up
and what is there
but a whole day ahead
a whole life.
I face where the sun should rise
eager to see it,
but the clouds
are too strong
too grey
too full of water.
I hope it doesn't rain
all my life
just enough
to keep the garden
deeply green.
I do apologize if it's taking time to get all the tickets posted on the sidebar. Teaching interferes today, but I'll keep up as best I can. I'll get around and actually read all your wonderful work likely tomorrow!
Update on the Links on the Sidebar problem: for some reason, I just can't add any more. Error every try. I'll try listing the missing ones here:
PoetiKat is at: .
Muse Swings here:
The doc is in at: (I think)(Yea! it seems to have done it)
Emerging Writer hops on board:
The Muse is back for seconds:
Jinksy at last:
Friday, October 15, 2010
FSO Chairs
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Cat of the Month: Natalie.
But, you know Natalie! She doesn’t feature quite so frequently as January’s pinup, but she’s in the blog pretty often. Usually when things involve shrews, and abandoned kidneys.
Okay, maybe there is what to say.
Natalie is a hunter.
She started off bringing in earthworms and leaving them in the kitchen. That got her the nickname Earthworm Queen for Volume 2 of Pan’s biography. Then she graduated to larger, more problematic fare. Live birds let go in the house (nasty feathers everywhere). Live but unsteady shrews that ran under the fridge. I used to have a stick to put in the gutter of the sliding door that would allow me to leave it open just cat-wide while I was out, but with Ms Natalie bringing in the wildlife I had to stop.
Natalie is not a cat’s cat. She just doesn’t like other cats. I got her because Pan needed a companion, and at the shelter she was so sweet and affectionate I thought she’d be perfect. Well, she loves me... Thank goodness she does tolerate the others in the house, as long as they don’t try to play with her, and they offer their foreheads in submission once in a while, because she’s a terror when it comes to outside cats in our territory. Watch out!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Poetry Bus gets out of the rut
(gratuitous cat photo)
Update on the Links on the Sidebar problem: for some reason, I just can't add any more. Error every try. I'll try listing the missing ones here:
PoetiKat is at:
Muse Swings here:
The doc is in at: (I think)(Yea! it seems to have done it)
Emerging Writer hops on board:
The Muse is back for seconds:
Jinksy flagging us down:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the very first photo of Maurice, ever! Fresh from the flea market, he wasn't even named yet.
But he sure was pinker then.
Click here for ABC Wednesdayers
Monday, October 11, 2010
The updraft from the plains throws me up the hillsides
Wins outstretched and motionless,
just a feather or two riffling in the breeze.
I survey my domain
....of stone villages and stubbly harvested fields
....the corn still out there, hoping for another sunny week.
I am lord of all -
....of that mouse - I think I will swoop down for a snack
What's this?
A string attached to my breast?
I struggle upwards, bursting, but cannot break free
My dives and turns fail to liberate me.
The wind dies and I sink deflated to the ground.
They wrote in the paper:
Hier, et aujourd'hui encore, le ciel au-dessus du Plateau de Gergovie prends toutes les couleurs, avec le XVième Festival du Cerf-volant...
And there you are for the Poetry Bus, riffing off a newspaper article from yesterday's Montagne.
Catch the ride!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Magpie 35

Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I think I will still not be putting radish in my salad - these things are woody on the outside and hollow inside. Impressive, but not food! (for me, at least)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
ABC Wednesday
When Bob's Laser is sick, everything stops.
For more L's, stop by here!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Poetry Bus of Happiness
You've been waiting and waiting and looking at your watches and I'm sure plenty have gone home.
But then: What comes around the bend but the Bus? A little dented and muddy from its fall in the ditch, but the gears still work and here it comes for you.
I'll be collecting tickets tonight (I hope, depends on computer access) and most definitely Monday. It is a Monday Bus, after all.
Theme: Happiness
First up: TFE with a real gem.
The Bug has a memorable outing.
Rachel in need of some happiness.
Martin flagging us down.
Emerging Writer writing on the Bus
Helen is on board
and Doc TSFE on the bus about the bus
Karen went down the nowhere road
Here's Titus!
and the infamous Peter Goulding
Stafford having a tickly happy visit
Jinsky with two.
Domestic Oub jumps on with a sparkler.
Dramatic anarchy from Niamh
Stillness with Socks
Enchanted Oak leaps on with style
Mrs Trellis gives a few points.
Flagging down the Bus before it gets away are Chiccoreal
and the famisher of Pixies
For my own poem, I was thinking of Happiness for driving on the 18th and wasn't very far along cooking something up, when along came the Emerging Writer with a comment to write a poem about the Poetry Bus itself. Thus the Happiness Bus, and here it is:
Mariana smoothed out her dress, touched her hair again, smiled nervously,
relaxed a bit and smiled for real.
She looked at her watch again, so early yet but she didn't want to be late
Every passenger who got on, she wanted to hug and tell them
She was riding to her first day at work. She glowed, and rubbed her ticket in wonder.
Huddled in the back, Jeremy rummaged in his rucksack for a package of biscuits
He couldn't believe his luck: eighty euros in the old man's wallet
Eighty euros to start a new life
not a lot, but he fingered the bruises on his face and figured it was better that than stay home
He looked out the window at the dawn, and wondered where the bus was going
Away would be fine.
In the second row, driver side,
Nick spoke softly into Lydia's ear
There was still pink confetti in her hair.
They were going to the seaside, to their honeymoon
He loved the bus for taking them there
He loved the sky for its gentle light
He loved Lydia asleep on his shoulder.
Sixteen days on the road already, in a week I'd have to be back at work,
but today was still paradise
town to unpronouncable village,
foot paths, trains, this rattly old bus
through fields and forest, industrial suburbs, always something new,
someone to meet, a foreign way of saying hello, and a coffee please.
Here it comes up the hill
grinding to a stop at a pile of rocks in the middle of these emerald fields dotted with sheep, striped with stone walls
where an old woman waits, plastic bonnet in case of rain,
shopping bag waiting to be filled with the wonders of Town,
sturdy walking shoes.
One more passenger happy to be on the Bus.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Please tell me.

Plus a random black object for your viewing pleasure.
Well, alright. The comments indicate that it's just my screen. I could delete this post then, but Bandersnatch is so pretty & black.
Orange in Aubière
It's our new Radiotherapy wing!