

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Bus is Exploding

Spring is here*!

Yeah, like you haven't noticed.

This past week or two it's really, really, been SPRING, with the lawn needing mowing twice and the trees all in flower and the market filled with things to plant in the garden right away. You just can't get away from it, not for an instant.


So I'm driving the Poetry Bus this week (and next week too, but this time that's not any particular sort of plan), and this business of spring makes me think of poems about bursting, exploding, restarting, getting it in gear, waking up, however you want to take it. Just leave me word when your poem is up, and I'll put up a sidebar if you start early, or a new post over the weekend gathering everything together (a rather autumnal activity...)
A poem about spring if you like, but bursting, exploding, restarting, getting in gear and waking up can happen in so many other ways.

*in the northern hemisphere. Yes, this is a northernist blog, conveniently ignoring all you downunderers and equatorial people.


Helen said...

This is going to be tough .. Spring is so very far from being here in Central Oregon and the high desert. Folks are still skiing and will be for another month or more! Highways still need clearing so the sports enthusiasts can make it out for fishing.
I will pretend it's Spring and go from there.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Love the yellow header! Great prompt and thanks very much for driving Nancy!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Un prompt magnifique! Ma poeme est la:


Jinksy said...

Perhaps I can get into gear by singing a few bars of "June is bustin' out all over", while I contemplate your beautiful yellow tulips... I might be some time...don't hold your breath! :)

Niamh B said...

bursting eh? easy peasy

Totalfeckineejit said...

Love the red header too!

Lolamouse said...

Hmmm. Didn't want to do another spring poem, so this took a bit of thought. Here's my bus ticket. Hope it's enough to ride!

The Bug said...

Here I am, with a rather obvious effort :)


Helen said...

Pardon .. I thought I had mine set to post tomorrow, but here it is!


Totalfeckineejit said...

I is a bored. I mean adored. I mean aboard!

Pete Goulding said...

Hi Nancy. I started off exploding but then ended with a whimper - http://stammeringpoet.blogspot.com/2011/04/bursting-exploding-nanu-poetry-bus.html

izzy said...

Thank you for Driving!
Sooo busy- only time for
My small contribution...

MuseSwings said...

The only thing that's exploding righ now is my head as I try to come up with a TNT of a verse. I'll let you know as soon as...

Karen said...

Hi, Nan. Sorry I'm late, but I'm here:

Lucy Westenra said...

One science girl to another! I hope this poem buys me a ticket.