

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Magpie Bus

It's such a beautiful day out I almost couldn't stand to come indoors and blog. But I did want to post for both the Poetry Bus (driven here by Pure Fiction) and the Magpie Tales (by Willow, here). I haven't done a Magpie in ages (since the matchbox!). But the apple got me going, and I hope in coming weeks to do some short prose. The transition from the squarely summer days of August to the busy packing-up days of September means the garden is full of changes.

It's raining.

It was raining plums for a month, though the carpet bombing of mirabelles

seems to have stopped now.

They tapered off over the weekend and appear to be done for the year.


-The respite was brief-

It's raining again

It's raining apples no matter how fast I pick them

Dried, sauce, crumbles, pie, eaten right off the tree

Four trees covered

It's going to rain all month and into October.



JeffScape said...

Better to be raining apples than... bananas? Hah!

Strange... just noticed your comment windows are all in French.

By the way, tense change in the second sentence or the third? Found the one in the third... Let me know!

Niamh B said...

gorgeous - a pretty nice type of rain, though you'd need a good umbrella.
Bon appetite

Brian Miller said...

i imaigne it would have to be a pretty strong umbrella to withstand that rain...but it sure would be tasty...kinda cloudy with a chance of meatballs...ha. nice mag!

martine said...

Really like this, appropriate, seasonal and nicely done, good use of extended analogy
thanks for sharing

Helen said...

Your encore (pardon pun) is a delight!

Carolina Linthead said...

Lovely! Reminds me of western NC, with apple orchards on the rolling hills. I have had the pleasure of a few sips of homemade apple brandy, cooked up by a master distiller, a craftsman from the golden age of moonshining who has since gone on to his reward. Now that was some potent rain!

Tess Kincaid said...

Delicious. Bring on that lovely rain into October. Love Magpie on The Bus!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love the image of raining apples...
better than showering hailstones..

lovely tale, enjoyed your imagination.

My Magpie

Batteson.Ind said...

oh to be as organised as you! I love the simplicity of this, it's very earthy and almost.. juicy!

Tumblewords: said...

I can imagine this - lovely imagery and a delightfully fun read!

Kathe W. said...

Raining apples? I'll be right over to help eat and cook! Great Magpie!

Pete Goulding said...

Better to be raining plums than raining men. Very appropriate for the time of year.

Titus said...

Loved this, change and continuity.

Our fruit is only just coming in, but it would appear the rain has already started...

Dick said...

I know the feeling that is so effectively communicated here! Our rain has been plums too. We're almost relieved that the apple tree has decided to strangle everything on the branch this year.

Fickle Cattle said...

I came from "In Review: Stuff and Things" where you left the best comment I've read in ages. Nothing like wit and a sharp sense of irony. I enjoyed the comment more than I did the post itself.

Lovely entry by the way. I love the images you evoked.


Karen said...

Love this NanU! Perfect introduction to Autumn!