

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No, we did not miss that boat.

Boss just back from the American Genetics meeting, all in a huff we'd been scooped.
Ah, boss, it's true we didn't submit an abstract to this meeting (we didn't have any chance of actually going, and didn't know you planned to), but look! The authors are our Belgian colleagues! We're on that paper. The program they mention for treating homopolymer data is ours.
And yes, the manuscript is millimeters away from resubmission.


shabby girl said...

WooHoo! Excuse me for a moment, I have to go look up homopolymer. :)

shabby girl said...

–noun Chemistry .
a polymer consisting of a single species of monomer, as polyadenylic acid or polyglutamic acid.
Okay, I don't always understand what you do, but I always enjoy your posts!

Titus said...

Publish and be damned!