

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Poetry Bus goes bathing

Jessica set the bus destination this week: bathing. Click here to sign on and take the tour.
The pleasure of the Bath
Nothing better
than a candlelit soak
while it snows out.

Damn this drafty old house
with its shower stall.


Rachel Fox said...

I lived a while in a flat with no bath... at that time I used to only take holidays in places where I could have a bath (and then spend ages in it)!

Niamh B said...

Aw, NanU!! That's so sad. I once got a lovely set of bath salts for a friend, not realising they were in the same predicament! Don't think they ever got to use them

Pete Goulding said...

Ah the joys of a hot bath! Must be years now...

Kerry said...

I like this. Makes me shiver, though.

Louise said...

Baths are something in indulge in for sure, I am with you on the candles, real or imaginary!

Dave King said...

Great. Loved it!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love it.

Padhraig Nolan said...


The Bug said...

The place we lived when we were first married (20 years ago) didn't have a bathtub. My brand new husband was so mortified to be depriving my of my famous 3 hour baths. Funny now - I very rarely take one...

Jinksy said...

I actually had a bath removed, 'cos I like showers better! But there are no draughts in a shower cabinet. lol

Titus said...

Oh yes.

NanU said...

I don't take baths that often either, but when you need a nice quiet soak, you need one!
And the shower stall has just a curtain, not a solid door, so the rising steam pulls the curtain in toward your body and it ends up clinging to my legs unless I keep it clipped to a shelf. The thing isn't bigger than a phone booth. I hate it!