Our My Town Shootout this Friday is Whatzit. The three photos above all come from the same feature right in the middle of my town. What is it? Full picture on Sunday...

I'm sure you'll all get this one!
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Have a great weekend.
features of an old church?
bell tower window - seam in the granit pillars - key hole to the confessional - painting of an angle in the Asp.
love the junk yard dogs.... someone has a sense of humor.
the first three are from a building, I think. a church? I got the last one for sure - your cat!! yeah!!
Ahaaaa, but _which one_ Doreen? Which one!
I would say from a place of education - just a hunch
#1 parking lot
#2 gutter
#3 confessional box
#4 kitty hair
Mine is here FSO~Local Mystery
Well, let's see. I think the first one is a hideout for the Hole in the Wall Gang.
The second one is the trunk of a petrified tree that someone tried to cut down and their saw broke after only an inch or so.
The third one displays the natural phenomena that locks have of camoflaging themselves by hiding next to larger things that could be locks.
And the last one...hmmm...a detail of a microscopic straw hat to be worn by Amoeba on Sundays.
Maybe the meteor shower for the last one. The other must be a building or maybe the mailbox.LOL
If the first photo were rotated clockwise, it could be the top of a fort or castle. The window could be a window to shoot a gun out of.
However, I believe that it is probably a church or government building.
The last photo appears to be whoskers from a cat.
I'm with GV on the first being parts of a church. The final must be of feline origin!
Well, isn't that just the cats whiskers?! The best I could do were the others were part of a building but I have no idea what sort of building. I like Ginger's key hole to the confessional - I didn't know they locked them!
my guess is a church and cat wiskers
Must be part of a building, church? or museum?
the first one's a window for sniper? lol. uhm, maybe a small tower window?
2nd-a part of a pillar? 3rd's music box?
walls of an old church?
quills of a porcupine?
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