

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

La Rentrée

Spring is supposed to be the season for starting out. But in many ways it's in the fall that projects get started, or renewed.
The big beginning is the school year. Here it comes again. Summer fun is OVER. Now that I'm not in school, the "rentrée" as they call it here, is an even bigger pain in the butt than it used to be. So I'm starting things. The class I teach in the fall is being completely overhauled. The papers I was having the 2nd year Master students analyze were just terribly outdated. No way could they go a fourth year. Old news! New news has been searched for, and found, and packaged for them. I learned a lot myself, since I'm terrible about keeping up with the literature unless there's some deadline approaching, like a class to teach or a grant to write. I'm about half finished with the class plans.
It's also the season for new knitting projects. Over the summer I'm just not sitting down to knit in the evenings, and in the spring I'm tired of having knitted all winter. So fall means new starts, and unfinished projects come back to.
Plus the new tv season of course. But only because I'm knitting - I like something to listen to, and half-watch, while working with my hands. A new thing in tv is a group of friends has decided to gather at my house weekly to watch 24. I have it on dvd, and as soon as one friend finishes season 4 and another watches season 2, we'll start in on the new-to-me season 5. Plus pizza and beverages, 'natch! See, another start.
No need to look at the calender. I know it's true: summer is over. Yesterday I was back at work after a week off, and for the first time since late April it was not yet dawn when I had to get up in the morning. A definite sign of back to the grind. Plus, it's cold out! Put away the sandals. Time to get out the sweater collection, then the coats and scarves.

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