

Saturday, December 18, 2010

IPYPIASM in action

Yes, yes, I did go out this morning and slip some poems (alright. I admit it's just copies of one poem. But I figure that no particular person is going to find more than one of them, so it doesn't matter they're all the same.) Poem in a pocket.
Poem pretending to be shoes.

Poem among our Fabulous National Champion Rugby Team's books.

Poem in the chocolate Santas.

And finally one in the coffee maker aisle, a hurried shot as the salesperson came up, wanting to know why I was taking pictures of the merchandise. Thought I was a spy from a rival store!
Uh, no, just checking this is the right brand...
What it says is here.



steven said...

nearly busted eh? phew that was close. but nanu - the poem . . . what does it say?!! fascinated onlookers are desperate for the words!!! steven

jabblog said...

Yes, what have you written?

The Dead Acorn said...

I won't be able to sleep until I know the poem ...

Niamh B said...

YAY NanU - well done!! Such a close one too at the end there, I shall be posting notice of your success presently!

Emerging Writer said...

you're so brave..!

Titus said...

Yay! I love the Santas, who appear most appreciative, and the dramatic snatched shot just shows how action-packed IPYPIASM can be. Is.

NanU said...

the poem and its translation are here: http://sciencegirltraveler.blogspot.com/2010/12/ipypiasm.html

Bagman and Butler said...

Guerilla poetry! How cool is that?! I suppose I could go and see the poem, but iut would be more fun to go into stores and start throwing merchandise around and telling the sales clerks I'm hunting for hidden poems. Good thing you didn't do this at an airport of all poets would be added to the terrorist lists.

Bagman and Butler said...

Okay! I gotta do it! Of course I hate going into shops int he first place. But if this is International Put Your Poem in a Shop Month -- December, I assume. -- there is little time to waste.

Pete Goulding said...

NanU, you are a true freedom fighter and very nearly a martyr to the cause.Soon all the shops of the world will be hotbeds of guerilla poetry.
(That was my ready-made excuse too in case someone saw the flash - umm, I'm not sure if this is what my wife wants or not!)

Eryl said...

You are so brave, shop staff scare me even when I'm being a good shopper.

Emerging Writer said...

I finally got the bottle to do some myself here http://emergingwriter.blogspot.com/2010/12/international-put-your-poem-in-shop.html

Emerging Writer said...

I'll try that link again emergingwriter.blogspot.com