I had a cold over Christmas, and on the 25th didn't budge from the house. Never quit my bathrobe - just went from nap to book to dvd. With a few trips to the kitchen.
Sunday was better. We had half an inch of snow in the yard on Saturday, and I hoped there was rather more up on the nearby hills. It was a bright day and very cold, but I bundled up with extra socks, and tights under my jeans, and many layers under my parka. Hat, mittens, extra handkerchiefs, the whole nine yards. Last year I picked up some of those glove-mitten things, where the mitten over the fingertips is a big flap you can pin back, revealing gloves that don't cover the last finger joint. Perfect for maneuvering a camera without taking off the handwarmers.
They made a new trailhead that leads up the Gergovia plateau, and it passes through this huge yard full of odd metal sculpture.

nanu thanks for the look-see around your neighbourhood. i love the view over the hills. my heart goes an extra pitter pat for hills. steven
What a sky, and I love the yard with the metal sculpture, there's something apocalyptic about it.
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