

Friday, December 31, 2010

Poetry to Improve the World

One of the several possible Poetry Bus challenges for Monday is to write about what we would do to improve the world. Jeanne Iris says so, right here.
Here's a first go. Perhaps a proper pome will come to me over the weekend; if that happens I'll post again!
stop bitching
distribute chocolates
more cats
don't be infected by the bitchiness of other people's bitching, just fix the problem
pet the cats
no allergies
play with your toys
make sure everybody has toys
say "yes"
have another chocolate
take time
to the cats purring


Batteson.Ind said...

I think I will have to put this on my desk.. It is extremely apt, beatiful with easy sentiment.. nothing lofty, but wealthy with wisdom :-)
have a brilliant new year!

steven said...

if i let my kids see this they'll take turns holding poetry readings with this being the only entry! there are no cats in our home - not my choice, not theirs either.....! have a lovely new year coming and have fun sending this one back in time. steven

Rachel Fox said...

Very good! Reminds me of this song by a favourite singer (and old friend of mine). The intro is in Spanish but the song is in English.
Happy New Year!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

C'est magnifique, NanU! Ce n'est pas necessaire ecriver l'autre poeme. (J'espere que mon Francais was at least nearly accurate there.)
Your poem reminds me of a desk calendar I had a few years ago entitled, "The Bitch's Daily Quotes" or something like that. Inspirational and empowering!
Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

what a lovely, serene picture of a better world :)

Helen said...

Oh if only it could be that simple! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your playful poem very much. Happy New Year sweet lady. Thank you for your love and caring this year. (hugs)

Dick Jones said...

A useful little sampler to hang alongside the new calendar!

Pete Goulding said...

I wouldn't necessarily share your sentiments about cats but I love the way you express them!

Karen said...

Chocolate, cats, no bitching -- Good advice, all!

Bagman and Butler said...

I think I will use your poem as my New Year's resolution! Of course all of the surprise French dark chocolate is long gone...I think I'll go and pat our cats now.

Titus said...

Yes, magnifique!
Says it all really, and I'm reading the cats as kind of allegorical and able to be substituted for another furry pet of one's choice. Though I'm getting strangely fond of yours, from a distance.
I did stroke a cat in the street today. Good Lord, I ate some salted caramels too. Just the bitching to work on...

Argent said...

Yes, a simple remedy for an overly-complex world!