Today at Have Genes will Travel, we're getting into the end-of-year spirit. It's a spur-of-the-moment thing, and it may take me until the weekend to get pictures up, but here we are: NanU's Fabulous Present Giveaway. Just leave me a comment saying you're in, and I'll hold a drawing for the following gifts (worldwide postage included):
1. A jar of home-made jam. There's apricot-thyme, apricot-ginger, apricot-lavender, blueberry, cherry, and blackberry left in the cupboard, so specify a preferred flavor if you have one.
2. A scarf that is yet to be knitted (don't worry about that - scarves go quickly!). Cotton, wool, alpaca, and rayon available.
3. A pair of wind-up dinosaurs, about 2 inches tall.
Mythic Quest
5 weeks ago
I'm in!! I'm in!!!
Great Idea.
i am definitely in! steven
Oooh, I'm in!
How fun!
I'm in, of course! And I personify all three of your gifts because I am sweet, cozy, and prehistoric.
No, no! Not Harold and Maud! They're mine! We'll look after them. Put me in. And then another in the name of 'Craig', and then one in the name of 'Lauren' and then one in the name of 'Michael' and then one the name of 'John' and one in the name of 'Luke' and one in the name of the Father just in case.
The dinosaurs for us. And if we don't win, I know it's a fix.
Oh, I could never give away Harold and Marguerite, Titus. These are stunt doubles.
a great give away and so kind of you NanU. I'm in!! if I am not too late.
Possibly don't deserve them if I get the names wrong...
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